

Peep 的新歌 Life is beautiful

雖然7號就出了 不過因為期中考的關係 我拖到今天才聽


從釋出的MV來看 很明顯這首歌是Peep早期的創作(臉上都還沒有刺青)

我個人覺得 在他死後放上他的作品

身為一個粉絲 我很高興能再次聽到他的新歌和背後那充滿意義的歌詞

但是又讓我不禁思考 釋出音樂的經紀公司 是為了繼續以他的名義吸取粉絲的金錢




這首歌的歌詞 不知道為什麼 一邊看一邊聽

就眼匡泛紅 然後心底的一股力量告訴我 要把這首歌翻出來讓更多人知道

很直覺性的 不到10分鐘就把這首歌翻完了






So, enjoy.


I miss you, peep.





「不覺得人生很美好嗎 我們都生活在這個 既混亂 又殘破的世界」



11/7 釋出官方MV

Lil Peep - Life Is Beautiful







[Verse 1]

I know that it hurts sometimes, but it's beautiful

我知道 有時候也許很痛 但仍是美好的

Working every day, now you're bleeding through your cuticles

朝九晚五的工作 現在的你正因為咬指甲咬到血從指尖流出

Passing through a portal as you're sittin' in your cubicle

坐在小小的空間裡 投身於另一個世界

Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


Tryin' to keep your cool at your grandfather's funeral


Finding out eventually the feeling wasn't mutual


You were not invited 'cause you're nothing like the usual


Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


You wanna see your friends, but you're stuck inside a hospital

你想見見你的朋友 但你卻在醫院裡哪都不能去

Doctor walks in and he tells you that it's terminal

醫生走進房裡 告訴你已經是末期了

Tumor in your brain and they're sayin' it's inoperable

他們告訴你 你腦裡的那顆腫瘤是無法動手術取出的

Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


They'll kill your little brother and they'll tell you he's a criminal

他們殺了你的那無辜的小弟 然後告訴你他是個罪犯

They'll fucking kill you too, so you better not get physical

他們最後也會他媽的殺了你 所以你最好還是別動粗吧

Welcome to America, the type of shit is typical

歡迎來到美國 這種鳥事就是這麼尋常不過了

Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful



[Verse 2]

Wake up in the morning, now you doing the impossible

在一大早醒來 你做到了看起來不可能的事呢

Find out what's important, now you're feeling philosophical

終於找到什麼對你來說才是重要的 現在你覺得自己像個哲學家

When I die, I'll pack my bags, move somewhere more affordable

當我要死的時候 我會把我的行囊整理好 流浪到個我負擔得起的地方

Isn't life horrible? I think that life is horrible


You think she's adorable, she thinks that you're intolerable

你覺得她很可愛 你對她來說卻是個不能容忍的存在

You think you can do it, but your chances are improbable

你覺得自己能夠做到 但你的機會卻是微乎其微

Once you feel unstoppable, you run into an obstacle

每當你覺得自己勢不可擋的瞬間 總會受到阻礙

Isn't life comical? I think that life is comical



[Verse 3]

And if you ever need a friend then you got me

如果你需要朋友的時候 我都在

And in the end, when I die, would you watch me?

在最後 我死之時 你會在一旁看著我嗎?

And if I try suicide, would you stop me?

如果我試著自殺 你會擋著我嗎?

Would you help me get a grip or would you drop me?

你會陪在我身邊帶著我撐過 又亦或是留下我而走過?

Run away, make friends with the moon

逃離一切 和月亮做朋友

Why you trippin'? You'll be with your friends soon

你在糾結什麼呢? 人終究只有自己是自己的朋友

There comes a time when everybody meets the same fate

終會有一個時候 大家都走到註定的那天

I think I'ma die alone inside my room

我想 我應該會一個人在房裡獨自死去吧



Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful


Isn't life beautiful? I think that life is beautiful




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